Quality of Life
Summary[edit | edit source]

without penalties/boosts from Difficulty
Quality of Life (QoL) refers to the five bars that represent the overall well-being and satisfaction of your population in different aspect of society in that city. From top to bottom:
Knowledge - Research Generation
Prosperity - Tax Wealth (bonus hard to see in calc, needs verification on specifics)
Security - Military Strength of forces deployed in city. Not stationed but deployed. Forces deployed into this city and then moved elsewhere have their unit strengths permanently tied to the city and the strength bonus/malus they receive will move up and down as the city's security moves up and down.
Advanced[edit | edit source]
Overall, the QoLs range from 0 to 100, with each 10 levels providing different debuffs or bonuses as you go from 0 to 100. The numerical range of 41-59 provides no bonuses. On Prince difficulty, there are no bonuses or debuffs to a human player city's starting QoL, defaulting it to 50. These bonuses are typically applied to the base amount of what they are adjusting, not as a final multiplier.
Range | Malus/Bonus | Security Malus/Bonus |
0 | -100% | -50% |
1-10 | -75% | -33% |
11-20 | -50% | -25% |
21-30 | -25% | -10% |
31-40 | -10% | -5% |
41-59 | No Effect | No Effect |
60-69 | +10% | +5% |
70-79 | +25% | +10% |
80-89 | +50% | +25% |
90-99 | +75% | +33% |
100 | +100% | +50% |