Template:Sticky table start/styles.css

From Ara: History Untold Wiki
/* {{pp-template}} */
 * Classes to make row N or thead top sticky, and/or column N left sticky.
 * Reverse collapsible behavior:
 * - Show (not mw-collapsed): Enabled w/ scroll and sticky.
 * - Hide (mw-collapsed): Disabled w/o scroll or sticky.
 * Div classes:
 * - sticky-table-collapsible: Adds collapsible; contains scroll div.
 * - sticky-table-scroll: Adds scroll; contains table.
 * Table classes:
 * - sticky-table-head: Top sticky thead rows.
 * - sticky-table-row1: Top sticky first row.
 * - sticky-table-row2: Top sticky second row.
 * - sticky-table-col1: Left sticky first column.
 * - sticky-table-col2: Left sticky second column.
 * Cell classes:
 * - sticky-table-none: Cell not sticky to fix span issues.
 * - sticky-table-left: Cell left sticky to fix span issues.
 * Notes:
 * - Sortable moves to thead any header rows and (after sort) sorttop rows.
 * - Sticky gadget (.mw-sticky-header) moves to thead any wikitable header rows.
 * - Collapsible states reversed due to anchor links removing "mw-collapsed".
 *   Also reverses the "aria-expanded" attribute's true/false value.
@media screen {
   * Div containers with collapsible and restricted height/width + scroll.
  .sticky-table-collapsible {
    margin-bottom: 1em; /* Moved from table. */
    margin-top: 1em; /* Moved from table. */
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .sticky-table-scroll {
    max-height: 75vh;
    max-width: max-content; /* Vertical scroll next to div. */
    min-width: 50px; /* In case another element floats right. */
    overflow-y: auto;
  .sticky-table-collapsible table {
    margin-bottom: 0; /* Move to div. */
    margin-top: 0; /* Move to div. */
  .sticky-table-collapsible table > caption {
    text-align: left; /* Fix narrow, centered caption hidden on wide table. */

   * Modify collapsible.
  /* Button. */
  .sticky-table-collapsible > .mw-collapsible-toggle {
    float: none; /* Was "right". */
    padding-left: 0; /* Was "0.2em". */
    padding-right: 0; /* Was "0.2em". */
    display: none; /* Was "inline-block". Hide. Below shows on mobile. */
  @media (max-width: 639px), (max-height: 639px) {
    .sticky-table-collapsible > .mw-collapsible-toggle {
      display: inline-block; /* Reset. */
  .sticky-table-collapsible .mw-collapsible-text {
    font-size: 88%;
  /* Disabled. */
  .sticky-table-collapsible.mw-collapsed .mw-collapsible-content {
    display: block !important; /* Was "none". */

   * Make top sticky.
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .sticky-table-row1:not(.sticky-table-row2):not(.sticky-table-head) > thead > tr:nth-child(1),
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .sticky-table-row1:not(.sticky-table-row2):not(.sticky-table-head) > caption + tbody > tr:nth-child(1),
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .sticky-table-row1:not(.sticky-table-row2):not(.sticky-table-head) > tbody:first-child > tr:nth-child(1),
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .sticky-table-row2:not(.sticky-table-row1):not(.sticky-table-head) > thead > tr:nth-child(2),
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .sticky-table-row2:not(.sticky-table-row1):not(.sticky-table-head) > caption + tbody > tr:nth-child(2),
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .sticky-table-row2:not(.sticky-table-row1):not(.sticky-table-head) > tbody:first-child > tr:nth-child(2),
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .sticky-table-head:not(.sticky-table-row1):not(.sticky-table-row2) > thead {
    position: sticky; /* Was "static". */
    top: 0;
    z-index: 10;

   * Make left sticky.
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .sticky-table-col1:not(.sticky-table-col2) > * > tr > :nth-child(1):not(.sticky-table-none),
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .sticky-table-col2:not(.sticky-table-col1) > * > tr > :nth-child(2):not(.sticky-table-none),
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) table > * > tr > .sticky-table-left {
    position: sticky; /* Was "static". */
    left: 0;
    z-index: 9;

   * Fix scrolling data shows through sticky's transparent background.
   * Note: ":not(.mw-collapsed)" removed so "row hover highlight" hover works.
  .sticky-table-collapsible table:not(.wikitable) {
    background-color: white;
  .sticky-table-collapsible table > thead,
  .sticky-table-collapsible table > tbody,
  .sticky-table-collapsible table > tfoot,
  .sticky-table-collapsible table > * > tr,
  .sticky-table-collapsible table > * > tr > td,
  .sticky-table-collapsible :not(.wikitable) > * > tr > th {
    background-color: inherit;

   * Fix missing borders due to sticky position and wikitable collapsed borders.
   * https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=128486
   * Skip rare plain table separated borders, which sometimes shows scrolling
   * data through sticky's 2px "border-spacing".
   * Skip very rare Timeless plain table ".mw-datatable" collapsed boarders.
   * Note: {{Static row numbers}} border separating header/sorttop from numbers
   * missing and may not be fixable until Wikipedia supports newer CSS.
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .wikitable {
    border-collapse: separate; /* Was "collapse". */
    border-spacing: 0;
    border-width: 1px 0 0 1px;
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .wikitable > * > tr > td,
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .wikitable > * > tr > th {
    border-width: 0 1px 1px 0;
  /* Adjust {{static row numbers}} borders. */
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .static-row-numbers.wikitable > * > tr::before {
    border-right-width: 1px;
  /* .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .static-row-numbers.wikitable > * > .sorttop:not(:has(~ .sorttop))::before, */
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .static-row-numbers.wikitable > tbody > tr:last-child::before,
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .static-row-numbers.wikitable > tfoot > tr:last-child::before {
    border-bottom-width: 1px;
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .static-row-numbers.wikitable > tbody > tr:not(.static-row-header)::before {
    border-top-width: 0 !important;
    border-left-width: 0 !important;

   * Fix Timeless skin very wide tables not sticky.
  body.skin-timeless .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .overflowed,
  body.skin-timeless .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .overflowed .content-table {
    overflow: visible; /* Reset. */
  body.skin-timeless .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .overflowed {
    margin-top: 0; /* Was "1em". */
    margin-bottom: 0; /* Was "1em". */
  body.skin-timeless .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .scroll-right.overflowed .content-table-right {
    box-shadow: none; /* Reset. */
    border-left: none; /* Reset. */
  body.skin-timeless .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .wikitable {
    padding: 0;

   * Fix skins width <=639px (mobile) not sticky.
  @media (max-width: 639px) {
    body.skin-minerva .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) table,
    body.skin-monobook .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) table,
    body.skin-vector-legacy .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) table,
    body.skin-vector-2022 .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) table {
      display: table; /* Was "block". */
    body.skin-minerva .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) table > caption {
      display: table-caption; /* Was "block". */

   * Fix "Sticky Table Headers" gadget styles causing sticky issues.
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .jquery-tablesorter > thead,
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .mw-sticky-header > thead {
    top: 0 !important; /* Was value based on skin and max/min width. */
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .jquery-tablesorter > tfoot,
  .sticky-table-collapsible:not(.mw-collapsed) .mw-sticky-header > tfoot {
    position: static; /* Was "sticky". */
    bottom: auto; /* Was "0". */

@media all {
  /* Set important to override template parameter. */
  .sticky-table-collapsible.mw-collapsed .sticky-table-scroll {
    max-height: none !important; /* Default. */
    max-width: none !important; /* Default. */