List of Improvements

From Ara: History Untold Wiki
Revision as of 22:36, 10 October 2024 by Affo (talk | contribs)

Improvements make up the foundation of your Nation. These buildings serve essential functions, depending on their type.

  • Commerce - These improvements boost Prosperity and produce Wealth to fill your Nation's treasury.
  • Culture - These Masterpiece generating improvements create great art, music, sculptures and more.
  • Government - Establish and manage your Nation's Cities and the needs of the public, from administration to housing.
  • Resource - These "Harvesters" collect Resources you need to grow and fuel your Nation.
  • Industry - These "Crafters" convert Resources into Goods you need to construct improvements or consume to improve the Quality of Life for your people.
  • Military - These improvements provide for the public defence and allow your Nation to produce and boost your Armed Forces.
  • Religion - These improvements are used to found, spread and amplify the effects of Religion for your Nation.
  • Science - The improvements generate Research, unlocking new Technologies as well as improving your people's Health and Knowledge.