City Tier

From Ara: History Untold Wiki
Updated for patch: 1.2.1
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As your city gains population, its tier will eventually increase to the next tier. When the tier increases, the city will unlock various bonuses. The rate of growth to the next tier depends on several factors.

City Tier Population Claims Experts Amenities Research City Production Tax Multiplier Food Cost QoL Cost
1 500 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0
2 1200 1 0 1 1 2 2 2 0
3 2500 2 0 2 2 3 4 4 0
4 5000 3 0 2 3 4 6 8 5
5 10000 4 1 3 4 5 8 14 5
6 15000 5 2 3 5 6 10 20 10
7 25000 6 3 4 6 7 12 28 15
8 40000 7 4 4 8 8 14 36 20
9 75000 8 5 5 10 9 16 48 25
10 100000 9 6 5 12 10 18 64 30
11 150000 10 8 6 14 11 22 80 35
12 200000 11 10 6 16 12 26 100 40
13 250000 12 12 7 18 13 30 125 45
14 300000 13 14 8 20 14 35 150 50
15 400000 14 16 9 22 15 40 175 60
16 500000 15 18 10 24 16 45 200 70
17 600000 16 20 11 26 17 50 250 80
18 750000 17 22 12 28 18 55 300 90
19 1000000 18 24 13 30 19 60 350 100
20 1250000 19 26 14 32 20 65 400 110
21 1500000 20 29 15 35 21 70 450 120
22 1750000 21 32 16 40 22 75 500 130
23 2000000 22 35 17 45 23 80 550 140
24 2500000 23 38 18 50 24 85 600 150
25 3000000 24 41 19 55 25 90 700 160
26 4000000 26 44 20 60 26 95 800 180
27 6000000 28 47 21 65 27 100 900 200
28 8000000 30 50 22 70 28 110 1000 225
29 12000000 32 53 23 80 29 120 1100 250
30 20000000 34 58 25 100 30 150 1500 250

City tier also affects troop cap (coming soon).

City tier also affects siege defense (higher is better).

Claims[edit | edit source]

The number of claims a new Region costs depends on the distance from the city center.

Experts[edit | edit source]

Most Improvements have 1-3 expert slots in which you can place an expert to get various bonuses.

Amenities[edit | edit source]

Amenities typically provide stat bonuses to your city's Quality of Life. Some of them provide maluses or unique bonuses. Once an amenity is placed, 1 of that amenity is drawn from the supply every X turns.