Lint errors: Obsolete HTML tags

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Page title Obsolete HTML tag Through a template?
List of Goods (edit | history) center Template:GoodsCraft
List of Goods (edit | history) center Template:GoodsCraft
List of Resource Nodes (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Resource Nodes (edit | history) center Template:ResourceNode
List of Resource Nodes (edit | history) center Template:ResourceNode
List of Resource Nodes (edit | history) center Template:ResourceNode
List of Resource Nodes (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Resource Nodes (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Resource Nodes (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Resource Nodes (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Resource Nodes (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Resource Nodes (edit | history) center Template:ResourceNode
List of Resource Nodes (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Resource Nodes (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Resource Nodes (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Resource Nodes (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Resource Nodes (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Resource Nodes (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Resource Nodes (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Goods (edit | history) center Template:GoodsCraft
List of Goods (edit | history) center Template:GoodsCraft
List of Goods (edit | history) center Template:GoodsCraft
List of Goods (edit | history) center Template:GoodsCraft
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
Main Page (view source | history) center
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Leaders and Nations (edit | history) center Output not from a single template
List of Goods (edit | history) center Template:GoodsCraft
List of Goods (edit | history) center Template:GoodsCraft
List of Goods (edit | history) center Template:GoodsCraft
List of Goods (edit | history) center Template:GoodsCraft
List of Goods (edit | history) center Template:GoodsCraft
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